Simplify Your Budgeting Process

Simplify Your Budgeting Process

If you work from the Financial Accounting year, then you will be well and truly into the Budgeting season. So why not let your Property Management System help with this process. It should already contain all the required information based on your usage, so all you need to do is the following:

    • For standing charges / payments use the Lease Charge Projection to accurately project the amounts for the Budget year
    • For ad-hoc income / expenses, budgeting can be based on variations of past actuals
    • Use the Budget Preparation worksheet area to play with the figures, enter comments, etc. before saving to the final Budget area
    • There are great additional enhancements to the budget functionality in the new version coming out soon – to make the system even more powerful and easy to use

Progenesis property management software is now recognised as having the best advanced property management software functionality in the market. The functions are easy to use, go from end to end, and are designed for Australian conditions.

If you would like to discuss this further with us, call our support team on +61 03 9642 2411 or send an email to

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