Kick-start the new year with a Health Check

When was the last time you gave your lease data and processes a proper health check?

Now and then we all need a little check-up to see that everything is in order with our health – So why don’t we do the same for our Lease and Property system? Reviewing our lease data and processes are not only about assuring everything is working as it should but furthermore performing at its best.

    • Does your business processes incorporate the steps where the software can be utilised?
    • Are the reports giving you the insights you want?
    • Are there parts of the software you’re currently not using that could optimise your workflow?
    • Would you benefit from customised software manuals specific to your organisation?
    • Is there any data that could be archived?

Progenesis offer an in-depth Health Check for all our released software versions where we meet with you and your team on-site. We will analyse your current system use with aligned business processes and live data to highlight any missing, irregular or expired information.
Does it sound like your business requires a Health Check? Contact us today, and we’ll tell you all about it! 

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